When you think about insurance, the first thing that comes to mind is protecting your car or your home. Most important of all, however, are people: yourself and your loved ones! That is why MAIF has created a set of health, death and physical injury solutions to help you overcome problems that risk upsetting the equilibrium of your household.
Everyday accidents, even relatively minor ones, can make daily life more difficult to manage (organisational issues, falling behind at school, loss of income etc.). With the Praxis Solutions policy, MAIF covers you against any after-effects and loss of revenue (home help, funding for time off work to look after close relatives recovering from accidents etc.), quite simply, giving you the support you need when you need it the most
How can we help our loved ones financially, even after our death? Rassurcap Solutions guarantees your nearest and dearest a lump sum payment or a regular income in the event of your death or permanent total disability, whatever the cause (accident or illness). What’s more, MAIF provides them with support with any administrative, practical, and legal issues.
The Rassurcap Solutions policy is designed and managed by MAIF VIE, MAIF’s life insurance subsidiary.
Planning your funeral gives you peace of mind today and takes the pressure off your nearest and dearest in the future. With Sollicitudes, MAIF offers you solutions to put your mind at rest. You can sign up on your own, or together with your partner, right up until your 81st birthday. You can choose between two capital amounts (€4,000 or €8,000 as an individual policyholder and €8,000 or €12,000 as a joint policyholder). What’s more, you still have the freedom to choose your funeral arrangements (your funeral can be arranged with a funeral director of your choice or can be selected by your nearest and dearest at the time of death).
The Sollicitudes policy is designed and managed by MAIF VIE, MAIF’s life insurance subsidiary, and is offered by MAIF and MGEN.
Contact us
MGEN – n° 775 685 399 – MGEN Filia - n° 440 363 588 - 3 square Max-Hymans - 75748 Paris cedex 15 Mutuelles soumises aux dispositions du livre II du Code de la mutualité